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Riwaq Beirut: Fundraising & Donations Drive for Lebanon

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Hello friends!

Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to the Riwaq & co fundraiser for emergency wartime relief efforts in Lebanon.

As you know, the ceasefire does not mean the war is “over”. Many people are still left with destroyed or damaged homes, and the rebuilding process in affected areas will be long and arduous. We are continuing our fundraising efforts to provide much-needed cash assistance to people in need, especially friends and family in the city of Nabatieh which was subjected to incessant Israeli bombing for 2+ months.

Any amount will go a long way in ensuring people can go back to their homes and begin reconstructing their lives and livelihoods.

Please also share as much as possible with your networks. Thanks again.



  • Anonym
    • 10 £
    • 1 Mo
  • Selina Roth
    • 50 £
    • 1 Mo
  • Daisy Gertsch
    • 770 £
    • 1 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 25 £
    • 1 Mo
  • Rachael Van Schoik
    • 25 £
    • 1 Mo


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