24 Feral, Arabian Horses Need our Help.
Tax deductible
In January, Suffolk, Virginia Animal Control executed a seizure on a horse farm, removing 22 of 59 horses. In February, the owners surrendered 24 of the remaining horses to Circle A Home for Horses. The surrendered horses have been living on hundreds of acres in a feral horse environment for most of their lives. In conjunction with Suffolk Animal Control, Circle A has set up catch pens for feeding and catching the horses to transport to our Virginia Beach, VA., farm. The horses' ages range from 14 to 31. Every horse requires their teeth floated, veterinary examinations, vaccines, de-worming, hoof care, special dietary needs, grains, and hay.
After living 15-plus years in a wild herd, the horses are frightened by the daily changes to their routine, halters and lead lines, people in their space, and even being in a barn. Yet every horse deserves a chance at a better life. Please consider a donation to help Circle A, our volunteers, and foster homes rehabilitate the horses and offer them a chance at their best life!
Alicia Mahar
Virginia Beach, VA
Circle A Home For Horses Inc