Dana Beal Idaho Trial Expenses & Campaign for Pot & Ibogaine
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Longtime cannabis pioneer, Dana Beal, was busted in Gooding County, Idaho, near Twin Falls, on January 15, 2024. Dana is charged with cannabis trafficking and not having an Idaho cannabis tax stamp. He was held until March 9 and is out on $250,000 bail bond thanks to 2 people, an activist in Ohio and another in the District of Columbia, who signed to guarantee the bond. Dana has asked us to create this GoFundMe to help with his court expenses. He plans a vigorous court defense while working to legalize cannabis in Idaho, and to continue his groundbreaking work with ibogaine. Dana also pledges to not get busted again or travel with cannabis. We are working with a bail bond company in Twin Falls, Eve and the Outlaw Bail Bonds <https://www.eveandtheoutlawbailbonds.com>. Dana Beal has worked with the Yippies! and for cannabis legalization since the 1960s. Dana started the Global Cannabis March movement in New York City in the 1970s that has spread to over 400 cities around the world. Last year, the mayor of NYC, Eric Adams, awarded Dana and the Yippies the award in the attached photo! He has pioneered ibogaine treatment for drug addiction and post traumatic stress. In December, Dana took ibogaine to Ukraine's troops on the front lines, to aid those under fire. <https://theintercept.com/.../ukraine-military.../>. Please make a donation to help Dana Beal, one of the most active pioneers still working for freedom for over 50 years. Thank you!

Paul Stanford
Portland, OR