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Ajutor ptr copii & inmormantare - Sergiu Nerghis

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Sergiu Constantin Nerghis 21 Mai 1988 decedat
14 Ianuarie 2021

In urma decesului a ramas o sotie indurerata, Lenuta si 7 copilasi , cel mai mic are 6 luni iar cel mai mare 11 ani.

Daniel Martin, in calitate de pastor al Bisericii Apostolice“Raul Sfant” Londra, indraznesc sa chem comunitatea romaneasca la darnicie si sprijin financiar pentru aceasta familie greu incercata.

Fratele nostru Sergiu, tata credicios, exemplar si sot iubitor a plecat la Domnul pe data de 14/01/2021, fiind rapus de acest virus ucigas COVID 19. Insa noi stim caci e a mers acasa la Domnul.

Multumim lui Dumnzeu pentru viata lui Sergiu care a fost caracterizata de bunatate, daruire, curaj si dragoste frateasca; un exemplu umil si personal de actiune si sensibilitate spirituala in Biserica si Imparatia lui Dumnzeu, pe care fratele Sergiu le-a avut.

Un membru al familiei a marturisit ca “un inger a fost luat dintre noi”

Vă mulţumim foarte mult celor care sunteti alături de noi la această invitatie pentru darnicie pentru familia indoliata! Ajutorul primit va fi folosit pentru inmormantare si pentru ajutor ptr cumpara o casa copiilor indurerati dupa pierderea tatalui.

Fiti alaturi de noi in aceasta lucrare donand atat pe contul gofundforme sau prin tranfer bancar in contul de mai jos , cu specificatia “Sergiu" .
New Apostolic Church
NatWest Bank
Sort code 601530
Account nr 67620213

Rugăciunile si darnicia dvs binevenita.
Vă dorim sanatate si binecuvantare divina!

Cu preţuire,

Pastor Dan Martin


English : As brothers and sisters in Christ we must stand together in bad times as much as we stand in good times.  It is what the Scriptures teaches us


Our beloved brother Sergiu Nerghis, 32 yrs old, went to be with the Lord yesterday leaving behind


 a grieving wife and 7 young children .children . The younest being 6 months old and the oldest 11 years.

As your pastor of Holy River Church London  ,  I am calling the Romanian Community to show Christian  love in action  by giving to the grieving family that need to get all the burial arrangements and payments  in place.

I would like to thank you all of you for standing with us in this deepest sadness.

We hope to be a real practical help to Sergiu´s family.

We are grateful to God for the life of Sergiu that was full of  Christian love and courage .

Someone from the church family said that an angel has been taken from our midst.

Please let’s  help  together and make a difference. Either on the link gofundme or you can make a transfer into the charity account  of

 New Apostolic Church ,

NatWest Bank

Sort code 601530

Ac nr 67620213  

with the reference ‘’Sergiu’’


Thank you! May the Lord supply all your needs in abundance!


Yours truly,

Pastor Dan Martin



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Dan Daniel Martin

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