Jacob's Mobile Massage Business Expand.
Donation protected
Hello, Jacob Lopez is a small business owner looking to Grow and Expand their services across the United States. He wants Massage Therapists to flourish and use their skills, talents, and gifts. He is looking to invest in Massage Therapy Chairs and Tables for Therapists, along with massage oils, Diffusers, and essentials they need to thrive and be the best Therapists they were called to be. Jacob's Mobile Massage is looking to hire marketing promoters to expand the business and gain more exposure to those unaware of their incredible therapeutic services. Investing in marketing promoters will allow him to become more open to the social media world. Many people today are Social Media users. Currently, all promoting is done through word of mouth, going out, and marketing from person to person, leaving an impression and making an impact.
(Insert) I want to share Jacob's story. This story is a Powerful, Touching, and Encouraging story that must be shared.
Jacob came to California from Texas in July of 2021. He brought his wife Jennifer and their children with minimal resources (no jobs lined up, no friends, no family, no home to go to, just being moved by faith and a Vision). However, with the minimum resources and lack of support, he was motivated and driven with a Large mindset and an eagerness to take any opportunity to thrive for his family.
He came by faith with a willing heart and a humble mind to learn all he needed to seek opportunities for his family to prosper. Jacob was very Hopeful.
The doors Immediately opened for him and his wife to take on jobs. One day, about 3 or 4 weeks into Jacob's new employment, he had received a vivid, clear vision as he was serving as a previous Breakfast attendant; he envisioned going to residential homes and corporate offices with a professional massage therapy chair and table. One week after the visit, he stayed in deep thought and contemplated whether he should quit his job that he had just gotten to start his Journey of entrepreneurship. During that week, he got sign after sign and confirmation after confirmation. One Gentleman at his employment came up to him and began having a conversation. Jacob was a Server and attendant at that time. He drew in the clients with his Kind demeanor, Friendliness, Respect, and servant mentality. The gentleman began talking to him and mentioned he saw something great in Jacob. Jacob opened up about his vision of starting his own business. The man immediately began clapping, presented Jacob to a large group of attendees that day, and stated, " Give it up, everybody, give it up for Jacob, the future entrepreneur. They cheered him on and congratulated him all for his vision. That ultimately sparked his motivation and encouraged him in a way that led him to begin his New Journey in the New State of San Diego, California. The company owner his wife worked for said he would support his decision to step out on another massive leap of faith to leave his new Employment to pursue entrepreneurship.
Jacob is the most diligent, Hardworking, and Compassionate person you will ever meet. His Faith is out of this world. The risk he has taken and his sacrifices for his family are truly remarkable to hear and see. This man wants to see other therapists Prosper and succeed. He is all about Generosity.
Would you be a part of making an impact by sponsoring?
Jacob has a Large Vision for Jacob's Mobile Massage and desires others to make a difference in healing one person at a time through Massage Therapy.
Jacob Lopez
San Diego, CA